Thursday, December 24, 2009


Back in February of 2006, my sister Emily shared with me that she was going to do a triathalon. I smiled and said that I would be there to support her. She smiled back and said, I want you to do it with me. I asked when it was and she said April 1, 2006. I laughed and said, "Train in 2 months for a TRIATHALON? Are you nuts?" My sister was in great shape. I on the other hand, was not in good shape. AT ALL.

A few days went by and I was telling my best friend what my sister wanted me to do --- she also thought Emily was crazy. Specifically she said, "I think you could train and have fun but I dont think you'd finish." CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.

I didn't care how long it was going to take --- all I wanted to do was finish. I went back to my sister and told her that I was in and we set up a training schedule of waking up super early to go to the gym and work out together alternating between treadmill, bike, and swimming pool. It was an intense 2 months.

On April 1, 2006, I competed in "MY FIRST TRI" and I finished in just under 3 hours. 1/4 mile swim, 12 mile bike and 3 mile run. I superceded all expectations of myself.

Well, today I'm here to tell you that after 2009 and losing all the weight that I have and hopefully hitting my goal of 100 pounds in a few days, My sister and I have decided to do it again in 2010. So in April, I will be competing in "MY NEXT TRI". I hope to blow my old record (just under 3 hours) out of the water. I'd love to do it in 2 hours....we'll see.

We're doing the triathalon for a charity: Cherish Our Children International (COCI). To help us with our fundraising, please visit:

I'll be sure to post more information (and pics!) after the triathalon in Late April. For now, I've got to go start putting together my training schedule.

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